Contact Information
The Notary Office of Agnieszka Baran is located in the right-bank area of Warsaw, at Paryska Street 19, right next to the United States Avenue.

The office is situated in a tenement house in Saska Kępa, at Paryska Street 19/21, near the Łazienkowski Bridge.
Notarial activities are carried out at the office from Monday to Friday between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm. Due to specific circumstances, such as the illness of the interested party or a large number of participants, the Notary may also perform notarial acts outside of the office or at different times. This requires prior agreement.
Driving Directions
When coming by car, please note that there is no turn onto Paryska Street from the United States Avenue. Therefore, if you are coming from the west side and crossing the Łazienkowski Bridge, you should turn onto Wał Miedzeszyński and then immediately turn onto Wersalska Street.
Bus lines number 117 and 146 stop directly at the office.